Ombuds Services & Resources

Not sure how to manage a specific conflict or concern? Looking for some individual conflict coaching? Or perhaps your team would like to enhance their Conflict Management skills? The Ombuds has the tool for you!

Have an issue, concern, or conflict that you want to discuss confidentially? You can meet with an Ombuds to share your concerns and gain insight into options that might be available to you.

Conflict coaching is an opportunity to informally discuss your conflict situation with an experienced coach, who can help you explore:

  • The root causes of the conflict
  • Different ways to see the conflict situation
  • Strategies to improve communication
  • Options for addressing the conflict

Conflict Dynamics Profile logo with the words Explore, Equip, Resolve printed underneath.

Consider taking the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment instrument measuring conflict behavior.  The survey is grounded in the framework that conflict is inevitable and beneficial responses can be learned.  As part of this exercise, employees will:

  • take a deeper dive in understanding how they respond to conflict,
  • explore what triggers can escalate conflict, and
  • learn how to manage conflict more effectively.

The results (specific to each individual) help you see where your strengths are in conflict scenarios and how to tap into those when frustrating moments occur.  Rest assured, all results remain confidential. If you’d like to complete the survey which is online and takes about 20 minutes to fill out, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].  We will receive a notification once your assessment is complete and will deliver your results as well as a developmental guide during a 1:1 conflict coaching session.

Informal mediation is a facilitated dialogue between two or more people supported by a mediator. Mediators do not make decisions on who is right and wrong, rather they help create a space for open and authentic dialogue.

You can download our informal mediation brochure to learn more.

Sometimes parties to a conflict are unable or unwilling to meet or speak with one another. In these cases, the Ombuds can provide shuttle diplomacy, going back and forth between the parties to help them understand the situation and each other and agree on a path forward.

Trainings can be a beneficial way to learn new conflict skills, explore team approaches to communication and difficult circumstances, and build conflict resilience. If you have specific topics you would like to bring to your team, or would like to discuss how an ombuds training might fit your needs, please reach out to us.

Conflict Dynamics Profile logo with the words Explore, Equip, Resolve printed underneath.

If you’d like your team to participate in the Conflict Dynamics Profile as a Professional Development Opportunity, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Office of the Ombuds as well.